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The Garden of Plenty is a temporary wheat-paste mural created by artist, Marissa Raglin located in the alleyway of Plenty Mercantile in downtown Oklahoma City. This whimsical mural consists of enlarged garden-inspired block prints and collage elements and is applied directly to the brick facade using wheat paste debuting in September 2021.


Raglin planted a garden in their backyard and her and her son tend to it daily. As a new mom, Raglin yearned for something that together, they could watch grow, change, and bloom together. Many of the seeds were sown with fear, in a difficult time of uncertainty, but many of them were sown with hope. What was so unexpected was to find themselves growing alongside the garden. 

Garden of Plenty

by Marissa Raglin

is located in the alleyway of

Plenty Mercantile

807 N Broadway Ave. Oklahoma City OK 73102

#micrOKC funded project

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